
The basic concept of color

Summary:When we see an object, we first feel its color. The color of matter is visible to the human eye. If ...

When we see an object, we first feel its color. The color of matter is visible to the human eye. If there is no light in the closed darkroom, or in the dark night, the color of the object is invisible. Only in light, the color of matter can be seen by the naked eye, so we say that color is produced by the interaction of light and eyes. In fact, color is the result of the brain's recognition of different kinds of light projected on the retina.Chrome Metallization Coating Machine Suppliers


The color emitted by the light source itself is called the light source color. The color of matter we usually observe is called object color. The production of the object color is determined by the nature of the object, that is, the internal structure of the object itself. Secondly, the production of the object color is inseparable from the light. When light hits the surface of an object, part of it is reflected by the surface of the object, and part of it enters the object for refraction. The light entering the surface of the object is the result of the absorption of the wavelength of the incident light by the object. The rest of the light is emitted through the object, which is what we usually call transmission light. Finally, the color of the object is obtained from the vision of the human eye.

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